EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health reform   [402]
    present advantages of, in the best light; live it CME 37.1
    presentation of,
       attractively TDG 136.2
       from Bible view; avoid abruptness 3SM 284.5
       showing that hearers have a part TDG 185.4
       to make the best impression RC 154.3
       wisdom and tact in 3SM 283.2
    publications on, reach ones not not seeing Bible subjects PM 371.4
    reason to be used in; consider changing diet RY 128.2
    refuse to be turned from; use will power TDG 210.6
    refusing light of CME 46.0
    resoluteness in, coupled with Christlike patience CME 37.2
    retrograding in; Satan tempts to indulge appetite 2MCP 394.2
    salvation from light on CME 32.1
    Satan works to prevent spread of OHC 267.4
    test made of certain statements on 3SM 285.1
    testimony against, by failing to supply good, palatable food TDG 136.3
    time now to practice and proclaim OHC 267.3
    traveling workers in; health evangelism 3SM 59.4
    truth about, attracts to Bible truth PM 371.4