EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health reform   [402]
    guards God’s people against evils resulting from debased appetite 4T 141
    men who do not follow, should not be ordained as ministers 6T 378
    many SDA do not strictly follow CD 493
    ministers and their families should live up to CD 399;MM 281;
    ministers should live up to 9T 163-4
    ministers who do not heed MM 238
    person who disregards, must pay penalty CH 22
    physical degeneracy reaped by persons who disregard 6T 371
    result of neglecting CD 493
    results of opposing or disregarding CH 562
    SDA are accountable to God for use of CD 20
    SDA duty to spread CH 50-1
    SDA need 6T 376
    sin of disregarding 2T 399
    some SDA do not live up to CD 196
    some SDA make, subject of jest CD 400
    spiritual degeneracy reaped by persons who disregard 6T 371
    that SDA have not appreciated nor improved CH 505
    tracts needed to disseminate CD 461-2
    EGW accepted, as it came to her CD 482