EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health reform   [402]
    EGW did not seek or study to get CD 493
    EGW was given great 1SM 33
    why God has given, to SDA CD 22, 243;CG 396;CH 21, 121;ML 141;Te 141;
    you cannot reject or disregard, without suffering consequences 3T 311
2. Miscellaneous CH 575-9;1T 485-95;3T 161-5;
    adopt, from principle and in obedience to God’s word 3T 311
       from sense of duty 2T 371
    adoption of 2T 63
       abundance of wholesome and appetizing food needed in CD 284
       difficulties EGW met in 2T 371-2
       mistaken ideas re CH 450
       EGW benefited by CH 531;4aSG 153-4;2T 371-2;
       EGW’s experiences in 2T 371-2;9T 158-9;
    adoption of impoverished diet is not in harmony with 2T 367
    advance, one step at a time 3T 21
    advocate, with firmness and resolution 4T 569
    advocates of: should make it all that they claim it to be CD 87
       will be accounted mad, insane, and radical 2T 377
       will be opposed 2T 377
    agitate 3T 162