EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health reform   [402]
    do not adopt, merely because somebody else has done so 2T 371
    do not begin, by radical diet CD 289
    do not belittle, by narrow views and practices CH 156
    do not cause, to disgust people WM 129
    do not give impression in presenting, that SDA are subject to fanaticism 1T 559
    do not move presumptuously in GW 233
    do not teach, in most extreme form MM 288
    do not urge, in radical manner CD 352
    duty of everyone to practice CG 361
    duty of God’s people re 2T 60
    educate, educate, educate people in CH 449-53;CM 133;CW 125;
    education in, meals may be means of MM 283
    enforce teaching of, by example CH 445-6;7T 137;
    entering wedge for miss. work CH 495
    erroneous ideas of what constitutes CH 155
    erroneous ideas re CH 154;1T 487;2T 368;
    example does more to advance, than does preaching 4T 417
    extreme views re: evil effects of 3T 20
       man who had 2T 377-8
       EGW did not advance 2T 372