EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health reform   [402]
    extremes in 2T 367, 377-90
       avoid CD 202-6, 366;MM 286;2T 367;
       disgust believers and unbelievers 2T 377
       do harm CD 205
       do not advocate CD 206, 367
       drive people further from reform 2T 377
       entire theory of SDA faith brought into disrepute by 2T 377
       people are not to blame if they become disgusted with 2T 377
       warnings against CD 196, 352, 358
    extremes in diet bring, into disrepute 9T 162
    extremes to be avoided in carrying out CD 196
    extremists in: create prejudice against it 2T 387
       do great harm to it WM 129
       do more injury to, than they can ever undo 2T 377
       stumbling block to unbelievers 2T 387
    extremists who would run, into ground 2T 377
    faithfulness in 9T 153-66
    false witness against, do not bear CH 155
    families need instruction in Ev 515
    fields opened by, for entrance of gospel 1SM 112