EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health reform   [402]
    Gabriel’s discourse on 3T 62
    give: its place at your table 6T 327
       its place in church, home, and conf. councils 6T 327
    given to: fit people for second advent 3T 161
       promote physical and spiritual health 1T 546
       save God’s people from many dangers 3T 561
    God desires SDA to be sound on every point in CD 205;MM 288;
    God is displeased when His servants oppose CH 561-2
    God’s means of: lessening world’s suffering CD 38;Ev 664;
       purifying His people CD 38;Ev 664;
    God’s people are being tested in CD 34
    God’s people guarded by, against evils of debasing appetite CG 396
    God’s word must be guide and counselor in teaching 9T 162-3
    good health may be had by carrying out, in all habits 3T 557
    greater efforts needed to teach people re CD 461-2
    greatest objection to, is that SDA do not live it out 2T 486
    guardians should study 2T 360
    holidays as occasions for promoting WM 285
    idols cherished by persons neglecting 1T 486
    important branch of gospel work Ev 256