EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health reformer, Health reformers erring by eating too much 2T 365    [27]
    extremes should be avoided by CH 118;2T 538;
    faithfulness of SDA as, would make them spectacles to world CH 575
    food appetizing to, might be insipid to someone else CD 285
    God calls for TM 195
    God wants ministers to be 9T 163-4
    half-and-half, warning re CD 414-5
    law governing physical system should be defended by 6T 136
    ministers who are, in name only GW 230
    Paul was 4T 454
    persons start out as, who are not fit 2T 375
    privilege and duty to be CD 493
    professed, who are nothing less than gluttons 2T 412
    SDA are MM 224
    SDA should be, in every sense of term CD 412
    should become good cooks CH 450-1
    sickly people need to become Ev 262
    sincere and genuine, ministers should be 3T 311
    so-called, who do not know how to cook 1T 681
    strict, SDA educators should be CT 251;MM 63;
       students should be taught to be CD 450