EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heart, Hearts   [878]
       unimpressible as a stone SD 100
    that is not: like pool that evaporates GW 252
       sere and unfeeling WM 307
    troubled, failure to trust God causes DA 330
       many professed Christians have MH 480-1
    unconverted, love cannot be originated or produced by 2T 135
    under Spirit’s influence, is in harmony with God’s will 5T 647
    unimpressible as beaten highway 3T 384
    unregenerate, loves sin GC 508
    unrenewed: is at enmity with God GC 527
       natural desires and propensities of, must be subdued 1T 508
       not subject to God’s law SC 63
       religion of externals is attractive to GC 567
    unsanctified, peril of following promptings of 3T 41;5T 512;
    unsubdued, no elements of rest and contentment in 4T 202
    very bad, corruption of good intellect makes 2T 407
    which has no room for Christ 2T 216
    youth’s, most susceptible to divine impressions SD 78
       yearn for sympathy and tenderness FE 156
3. Spiritual (miscellaneous)