EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heart, Hearts   [878]
    deal truly with your own 5T 332
    deceptiveness of 2SM 78
    defilement of, things that cause DA 161
    depravity of, people unwilling to look far enough or deep enough to see their 2T 513
    depths of every, open to God’s inspection 5T 627
    desire born in, to make Christ known to others SC 78
    desires of, persons whom God will permit to follow 3T 73
    distrust and fear in DA 328
    do not be discouraged when your, seems hard SL 90
    do not let your, become hardened by sin GW 105
    domain of every, controversy that is repeated in DA 116
       is field of conflict MB 141
    door of: Christ will not force open 2T 216-7
       each person must open his, to Christ 2T 216
       heaven-born sympathy has power to open MH 354
       love of sin closes 1SM 325
       open your, continually to Jesus SC 99
       open your, to light shining from God’s word CSW 82
    earthly desires defile DA 161
    efforts to conceal or excuse evil of, by condemning another MB 126