EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heart, Hearts   [878]
    emotional preaching does not affect 5T 301
    essential work that must begin at FE 118
    every, will be tested 1T 222
    evil habits defile DA 161
    evil of, no man can of himself cast out DA 161
    evil traits not uprooted from, spring up anew under favorable circumstances 5T 175
    examine closely your own MYP 122
    finer feelings of, food that benumbs 2T 537-8
       not blunted suddenly Te 228
    first reaching out of, God knows COL 206
    fountain of, must be purified before streams can become pure DA 172
    garden of, cultivation of AH 200-3
    God alone can renew 8T 312
    God looks at 2T 34, 112, 418
    God purifies, as people air a room 7BC 940;SD 107;
    God requires first of man his 2T 168
    God’s grace alone can convict and convert 4T 553
    God’s grace softens MB 135
    God’s law is to be written on 1T 361