EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heart, Hearts   [878]
    God’s plan is first to get at 6T 400
    God’s purchased property 2SG 216
    goodness of, attained only by watchfulness and prayer SD 130
    guard well your CH 561, 593
    hardening of: against Spirit’s influence PP 268;5T 119;
       in spite of God’s warnings in calamities 5T 234
       in unbelief and ignorance CSW 29
       often is a gradual process DA 322
       till it ceases to respond to Spirit DA 587
    hardness of: characteristic of Satan TM 152
       evil angels can cause GC 599
       God does not cause DA 322
       many people absolutely cultivate AH 198
       Pharaoh’s 1BC 1099-1100;1T 265;
    honor cannot satisfy DA 454
    how God tests and tries 1T 187
    human skill and ability cannot banish sin from 4T 262
    idols may be set up in 5T 164
    imagination of, read by God as an open book TM 463-4