EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heart, Hearts   [878]
    immutable principles of truth and love bind 5T 537
    impulses of, guard closely TM 314
    index to, outside appearance is 2SG 286;1T 136;
    intents and purposes of: God knows SC 34;4T 583;
       investigate closely your 2T 251-2
       revealed to angels’ gaze 2T 87
    intents of, God reads 1T 529
    is deceitful 5T 247
       above all things and desperately wicked 1T 188
    is where owner’s treasure is MB 90;2T 59, 183, 663;
    issues of life or death are from 5T 536
    keep your, under God’s control COL 50
    let principles of truth presented work upon ML 265
    longing of, things of world cannot satisfy SC 28
    love is God’s agent for expelling sin from MB 77
    lowliest, Christ would gladly cheer DA 800
    loyal to Him, God will enlighten FE 341
    man cannot change his MH 176;SC 18, 47, 57, 69;3T 420;
    man who made his, like field which fire had passed over 1T 699
    men do not know their own PP 688;5T 246;