EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heart, Hearts   [878]
    many people professing to believe truth are corrupt at 2T 307
    melt under Christ’s love DA 351
    moral machinery of, needs to be understood 4T 85
    motives of, God reads PK 174;3T 404;
    must be: carefully kept and guarded CH 593
       converted and sanctified COL 97
       educated to become steadfast in God CT 20;MH 453-4;
       faithfully sentineled AA 518
       garrisoned against sin AH 331
       kept continually open by stream of giving 3T 393-4
       made a shrine AH 19
       renewed by divine grace GC 467;PP 460;
       seat of God’s throne ML 332
       strictly sentineled by watchfulness and prayer TM 327
       surrendered unconditionally to God SD 288;1SM 327;
    must be cleansed of: ambition 5T 175
       deceit 5T 175
       every defilement SD 99;TM 507;
       hatred 5T 175
       moral defilement 7BC 951