EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heart, Hearts   [878]
       of all that leads to wrong 3SM 203.2
       to reflect God’s glory RC 37.5
    entrance to, by kind words and loving deeds VSS 29.2, 134.2
    error poisons TMK 188.4
    evil in, awakened by evil outside unless watchful VSS 302.2
       by principles of God’s law (in Luke 10:27) OHC 336.6
       carefully and then draw near to God HP 265.2
    exercise quickens RC 147.4
    eyes to be fixed on Him who searches the HP 266.6
    faculties of, exercised healthfully by obedience 3SM 150.4
    find time to comfort another OHC 64.5
    firm, well-garrisoned, going forth with TDG 238.2
    following way of natural, easier than course of righteous TMK 251.2
    forgiveness of Christ makes, meek, gentle and kind TMK 163.3
    frozen, now melted being bound up with Christ UL 71.6
    fruits of the Spirit ruling, love, joy, peace, etc. TDG 291.5
    garden of, through Christ, allow only good plants in HP 160.4
    gift of,