EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heart, Hearts   [878]
       teach importance of, for entering the holy city TDG 108.5
       for God’s inspection RC 65.5
       to beams of Sun of Righteousness RC 368.6
       to receive God’s grace requires HP 71.6
       to truth realize Word of God transforms character 1MCP 67.3
       and expanding them by love of God alone OHC 183.3
       heavenward to be taught by Christ TMK 202.4
       to Jesus and closing to Satan HP 348.3;Mar 95.4;
    opposite fruit of, between those in harmony with Christ and Satan RC 300.2
    opposition of, only Christ enables us to subdue HP 64.3
       examine, in the light of God’s Word TDG 83.4
       warmed by divine fire to help icebound souls TDG 187.4
    passions of,
       harsh words awaken HP 174.4
       we cannot control, as disciples could not control sea RC 278.6
    penitent, always sensitive TDG 73.4
    perversity of, Christ inspires with a sense of HP 64.6