EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
plants of faith enthroned in
FW 17.2
poisonous plant not to remain in soil of
TMK 187.4
of, needed rather than purse or brain power
OHC 162.7
praise in, for beauties of this world; heaven is better
FW 79.0
for angels to work on, when you must reprove
TDG 105.4
pray for; cultivate the faculty of speech
VSS 190
to produce good works by outside power
FW 26.2
(imaginings of), removed from, to enthrone Christ
OHC 110.4
principles of inner life regulated by the state of
TDG 238.4
pure in, see God as Enoch did, by walking and taking
TDG 275.4
purging of, needed by many professing faith of Christ
AG 249.2