EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heaven (place)   [708]
    ladder to,
       climbing required to appreciate God’s glory OHC 68.5
       draws away from worldly influences OHC 71.4
       let down in everyone’s path OHC 11.4
       set up on earth to climb city walls OHC 75.4
    language of,
       formed in this world TDG 96.2
       learned by obedient UL 297.3
       used by those who are translated into it VSS 20.2
    law of God,
       broken here would also be in FW 43.2
       shows character traits unsuitable for UL 105.2
    laws of,
       God brings willing mind into harmony with TDG 355.2
       is receiving to impart HP 317.5
       merciful, kind, tender, uplifting FLB 84.4
       progression, not stagnation HP 183.4
       trials are test of loyalty to Mar 110.5
    learning in this world how to conduct yourself in RC 28.6
    ledger of, little duties faithfully done are entered in OHC 264.6