EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heaven (place)   [708]
       at Pentecost adored by TMK 344.4
       of Christ makes LHU 248.5
language fails us 1MCP 251.2
       of God in Christ is science and song of HP 222.3
       required to attain OHC 73.3
    loveliness of, to shine forth from us HP 315.4
    made for humans HP 29.5
    mansions of, See Mansions, heavenly
    marriage love is foretaste of HP 202.3
       on glories of LHU 238.5
       on themes of OHC 113.5
for spiritual growth 2MCP 406.1
    meeting in, ones we directed to Christ on earth RC 257.8
       invites to, while justice demands holiness Mar 326.4
       permits reaching UL 43.6
    message of, held in trust for the world HP 317.2