EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heaven (place)   [708]
       of, Christ trains fallen men for HP 282.2
       of the world leave no time to think of RC 247.4
    Powers of, work with one given unreservedly to God HP 176.5
    praise will make arches of, ring; let them ring here too FW 79.0
    prayer moves HP 75.6
    precepts of, See Law of God
    preparation for,
       daily OHC 102.2
       heaven in the heart is AG 358.3
       important; readiness HP 356
       in heaven of tenderness below HP 287.5
       learning meekness, loyalty and obedience UL 192.6
       necessary for entrance to higher school HP 365.3
       neglected TMK 321.3
       our all-important work TMK 169.3
       preparing others for is UL 202.7
       promised on taking the name Christian HP 286.4
       requires conformity to God’s law UL 105.3
       showing what all must be TDG 137.7