EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heaven (place)   [708]
    safe to save for, See Heaven, trustworthiness for
    saints find rest in, their eternal home TDG 60.4
    salvation secure when we enter gates of TMK 162.3
    sanctification requested so we will dwell on 3SM 193.3
       and others shut out of UL 41.3
       cast out of UL 77.4
       claims, impossible to reach TMK 278.4
       desired to be first in power and authority in RC 51.4
       pretended wrong insinuations in, came from angels TDG 256.2
       tries to eclipse, while attracting to the temporal TMK 168.2
       tries to keep us from UL 325.2
    satanic passions no longer suffered in 3SM 429.3
    satisfaction with crowns in, although not all the same 3SM 155.4
    saw what heaven would be if Satan were in it TDG 14.5
    school of, promotion to HP 247.6
    science of, enigma, to those not feeding on God’s Word AG 251.6
    securing, kingdom of, object of life TMK 90.3
    seeing, to encourage others LHU 244.3
    self must be renounced and Christ received to attain HP 155.3