EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heaven (place)   [708]
    cost of, death of self and conformity with God’s will HP 155.4
    council(s) of,
       amazement of repentant sinner about plans made in OHC 78.3
       creation of humans decided in 3SM 133.1
       predictions given prophets, to fulfill TDG 368.2
       provision for salvation made in OHC 78.2
       watching to see professed believers witness TDG 51.4
    courtesy is an attribute of HP 180.2;RC 306.6;
    courts of, Christ enters, accompanied by the redeemed Mar 39.5
    crown in, for the brow of warriors OHC 82.6
    daily advancement toward RC 159.3
    desire for,
       expelled by mind filled with sensual things FW 92.1
       instead of amusements OHC 284.2
    determination to attain,
       at any cost FLB 363.6;TDG 320.6;
       required FLB 365.2
    direct minds toward, instead of to gloomy feelings OHC 312.3
    disaffection in,
       started by Satan UL 114.3