EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

High Priest (Christ as) 1SM 340-4    [369]
    occupies double position of: offerer and of offering 7BC 933
       priest and of victim AA 33;1BC 1111;7BC 933;
    of all who believe in Him 7BC 931
    offered Himself as sacrificial victim DA 668
    offered sacrifice, Himself being the priest and the victim AA 33;1BC 1111;7BC 933;DA 25;
    office work of, is to introduce us to God as His sons and daughters 8T 177-9
    perfect atonement made by, when He suffered and died 7BC 913
    personal concern of, for persons whose life was in imminent peril 2T 421
    piercing eye of 1BC 1110
    pleaded with Father to forgive His murderers DA 752
    pledge of His anointing as, blood flowed down His face and beard as DA 734
    position of, all need knowledge of GC 488
    preparation of, for office of tender and faithful high priest 3T 93
    priest of Israel praying in holy place represented 4aSG 9
    priesthood of: ceremonial system pointed to PP 365
       foreshadowed in typical system GC 352
       how SDA pioneers found light re 1SM 206-7
       not to pass to another or be superseded by another 7BC 930
       typical system foreshadowed GC 352
       Waldensian doctrine re GC 74