EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
High priest (Jewish)
glittering tiara worn by
DA 594
great power still possessed by
DA 30
hair and long flowing beard of, silvered by age
DA 594
held in restraint by Roman authority
5BC 1100
jealousy of, Christ’s popularity aroused
DA 704
majestic appearance of, awed beholders
DA 594
merciless demands of, people were subjected to
DA 30
mob that arrested Christ in Gethsemane included
DA 695
not allowed power of legally putting anyone to death
5BC 1100
office of: men of corrupt hearts sought
5BC 1100
often obtained by fraud, bribery, and murder (assassination)
5BC 1100;DA 30;
position of, was one of power and importance
5BC 1100
power of, employed for selfish and mercenary ends
DA 30
proud self-confidence and angry air of
DA 594
rich and costly garments worn by
DA 594
right of appointing and removing, Romans claimed
DA 30