EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Holy Spirit GW 284-9    [3421]
    appetite and passion must be brought under CT 20
    bring every faculty under FE 517
    Christian must be under SD 294
    conscience should be under 8T 164
    full, teacher should be under CT 67
    God can mightily use men under AA 49;ChS 254;8T 20;
    how your nature is to be brought under ML 318
    humanity without, is terrible power for evil 5BC 1122
    impulses of man’s nature must be constantly under PP 421
    intellect should be placed under CT 426
    King Saul was under, at Ramah PP 654
    man who is not under, is under influence of Satan’s sorcery MYP 278
    man’s entire being should be consecrated to 3T 84
    man’s individuality should be under CH 244
    man’s nature must be brought under Te 113
    man’s whole nature can be brought under SC 47;5T 514;
    man’s will should be subject to 2T 565
    men not under, are Satan’s captives 2SM 129
    natural and acquired endowments need to be constantly under 7T 189
    persons who are not under GC 7-8