EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Holy Spirit GW 284-9    [3421]
       has power over minds not barricaded by OHC 248.2
       seeks to counteract workings of TMK 309.4
    Satan’s government to be subdued through agency of TDG 124.2
    science thought able to explain work of, on heart LHU 61.5
    search with whole heart and God will pour out LHU 221.5
    seeds of truth made productive through work of PM 58.0
    seeking for,
       believers need to be TDG 24.5
       earnestly for the anointing of RC 219.7
       more of UL 143.5
       the fullness of TDG 257.3
    self less exhibited when power of, appreciated RC 217.2
    self-important person not worked on by UL 353.4
    selfishness blocks discernment of UL 289.8
    sent to those who love Christ TDG 341.3
       glimpses of things of God to the soul HP 27.3
       things of God HP 334.3