EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Holy Spirit GW 284-9    [3421]
by calling work of God fanaticism TDG 52.3
by persistent refusal to repent TMK 243.4
       and standard of righteousness shown by RC 132.6
       expelled by, for those who are willing OHC 152.3
       guarded against by, for every repentant soul RC 293.5
       not lack of evidence, keeps some from seeing TDG 361.5
       of grieving, has cost many their soul FW 17.3
       revealed by, leaving no excuse for ignorance TMK 255.6
       which quenches, to be searched out TMK 256.4
    singing (light) may divert from conviction of VSS 426.1
    sinners brought to Christ by TDG 257.6
    softening influence of, needed in our labors VSS 314.0
    softens hearts to show sympathy as Jesus did TMK 45.2
    sorrow ceases by work of, in heart; disagreeable past UL 314.7
       impressed by, in every congregation need help VSS 341.0
       led by, with faithful stewards in God’s work TDG 229.3
       quickened by, treasure God’s Word UL 103.4
    sowing to, instead of to the flesh TMK 92.3
    speaks to the converted person through the Bible HP 135.3