EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Holy Spirit GW 284-9    [3421]
after divine likeness UL 105.3
       into Jesus’ likeness as we behold Him UL 268.5
       into perfect image of Christ UL 27.4
    true believers walk after FLB 92.6
    true fire is; counselors to be led by Him 3SM 300.5
    trust learned by ones with 3SM 310.4
       from Scriptures revealed by LHU 181.2
by inspiration of, but not forced to mold PM 101.5
through the sanctification of RC 197.2
       imprinted on heart by, for presenting simply TMK 212.3
       of eternity opened to darkened minds by RC 132.5
       of the inspired word stamped on the soul by Mar 107.4
in Scriptures by, and stamped on soul TDG 346.4
in the heart by, transforms character 1MCP 325.0
       revealed by LHU 273.2
       saving, revealed by, to those willing to obey TMK 192.4
       sent home by TMK 192.3