EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Holy Spirit GW 284-9    [3421]
    freely bestowed GC 262
       as teacher and guide 2SM 328
    Gentiles receive, as well as Jews AA 193-4
    given on conditions DA 672;GW 284;
    given through Christ’s sacrifice 6T 449
    given to: men in Christ’s stead 2SM 123
       persons who open their hearts to receive 1SM 142
    God can give us nothing greater or better than MB 132
    God desires to refresh His people by ChS 250;9T 40;
    God gives Himself in, to His people 7T 273
    God more willing to give, than parents to give good gifts to children AA 50;1T 120;5T 157-8;8T 22;
    God waits to bestow, on all who hunger and thirst after righteousness CW 118
    God will grant largely of, in time of latter rain TM 512
    God’s people should hunger and thirst for AA 50
    God’s willingness to bestow AA 50;1SM 121;
    great and measureless, all of heaven’s resources are contained in COL 419
    great gift of heaven SD 294
    greatest blessing that God could bestow SD 242
    greatest of all gifts MB 132
    highest of all gifts that Christ could solicit from Father for His people DA 671