EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
believer receives, to speak calmly and dispassionately while suffering abuse
2T 270
character defects must be overcome by
5T 573
colporteur helped in his work by
CM 107
diligent student of plan of redemption has
FE 307
divine revelation cannot be rightly understood or appreciated without
5T 241
earnest prayer and watching brings
2T 92
essential to right thinking
PP 460
every man may understand for himself truths of redemption by means of
GC 526-7
faithful gospel workers have, in their infirmities
FE 242
translation of Bible into world’s languages and dialects
AA 53
given to: all who seek it in sincerity and prayer
GC 173
communicate truth with power
MM 12
detect Satan’s approaches
DA 102
man fighting good fight of faith
MYP 17