EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Holy Spirit GW 284-9    [3421]
    in midst of His people CT 418;FE 363;
    in world 7BC 922
    promise re AA 50
    to do mighty work AA 47
    to world CT 68;FE 526;
    abides with God’s people MH 249;ML 290;
    as well as Reprover TM 176
    Christ abides with His followers through DA 277-8
    comes to soul DA 391
    dwelling in believer’s heart DA 671
    fulfills Christ’s promise in Matt. 28:20 MM 196
    guides into all truth EW 190
    helps believers to impart Christ’s consolation to others CH 502
    in all fullness of Godhead Ev 615
    is to transform men 3BC 1154
    promised by Christ DA 670-1;Ev 615;GC 8;1SM 134;
    specified work of TM 464
6. As divine Person
    as much a Person as God is Person Ev 616