EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Hope, Hopes agent of God strengthened by 6T 44    [353]
       is big with immortality EW 110
       is in Christ SC 70;1SM 351;
       is not in himself SC 70
       may be renewed day by day PK 387
       object to which, points CT 55
       talk of Ev 630
    Christian’s clouded, brightens in consciousness of sins forgiven MH 267-8
    Christians have greatest, ever given to world ChS 226
    church’s EW 107-10
    City of God open to souls that lean on Him for MB 100
    comfort of, gained through experience of faith in Christ GW 213
    confirmation of, in Christ 5T 744
    cross of Christ brought TM 67
    cultivate 8T 191
    definite assurance of, Christ brought to world CT 439
    delusive, without Christ 5T 49
    departed from many people COL 418;PK 719;
    despairing souls made joyful by LS 60
    disappointed, in Christ there is no 1T 504
       man and wife made wretched by 1T 696