EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Husband, Husbands 1T 707-12    [395]
       represent Christ in family AH 117
       seek to keep wife in health and courage AH 228
       seek wife’s opinion and approval in whatever he engages in 2T 417
       show kindness and courtesy to wife CT 128
       show love for wife by words and deeds 3T 527
       speak kind and cheerful words to wife 2SM 430
       speak tenderly, gently, and lovingly to wife 4T 256
       speak wisely and judiciously to wife 2T 78
       spend time with family 2T 224
       stand as head of household AH 119
       stand firmly on platform of obedience 7T 123
       stop scolding wife 2T 86
       study how to make wife happy 2SM 428
       sustain family 2T 433
       work to support family 2T 255
    overbearing, wife should not deprive herself of church services to gratify 2T 100
    overbearing and tyrannical, wife’s conscience must not be yielded to 2T 100
    overmanagement by, families shipwrecked by 4T 127
    overtaken in sin, duty of AH 346
    physical laws with which, should be acquainted MH 373