EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Image, Images adoration of, gradually introduced into Christian worship GC 52;SR 328;    [62]
    Isaiah’s prophecy re persons bowing down to PK 313
    Jews did not make, after Babylonian captivity 4BC 1145
    making, of God dishonors Him 4BC 1145
    making of, as idolatry PP 316
    molten, golden calf made by Israelites at Sinai was PP 317, 323
    Nebuchadnezzar’s golden 4BC 1169;PK 503-13;SL 36-41;
       about 90 feet high and nine in breadth SL 36-7
       consecrated as object of worship PK 506
       forgotten PK 510
       idolatrous symbol of human power PK 506
       made of treasures obtained in war SL 36
       made to represent his kingdom PK 504
       made to represent image seen in dream recorded in Daniel 2 PK 504;SL 36;
       represented Babylon’s glory, magnificence, and power PK 506
       symbolized Babylon as eternal, indestructible, and all-powerful PK 504
       wise men of Babylon proposed making of PK 504
    not essential to practice of idolatry 5T 173
    of Christ, rise of worship of EW 211
    of Diana, manufactured at Ephesus AA 292
    of saints, rise of worship of EW 211