EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Imagination, Imaginations MM 105-8;2T 522-37;3T 67-79;    [231]
       religion as tyrant to some persons with 1T 565
       representative case of 2T 522-36
       superstition arising from 3T 69
       treatment of 1T 557
       treatment of invalid who has 1T 555
       tricks played on invalids by 2T 525
       trivial things as trials to FE 163
       victims of, shut themselves indoors and close windows 2T 525
       winter and invalids who have 2T 525
       women who had MM 108-9;1T 700;2T 248-9;5T 310;
       wrong habits of reading cause FE 162-3;MYP 280;
       young woman in danger of dying from MM 109
    do not allow: to frame doctrines re things not revealed MM 100
       to govern in matter of clothing 2T 524
       to have its own way without restraint or discipline 5T 310
       to run on subjects that bring no relief or happiness 3T 333
    educate, to dwell on divine things 6BC 1085
    excited by: love stories 2T 481
       novels 2T 481
       vile books 2T 481