EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Imagination, Imaginations MM 105-8;2T 522-37;3T 67-79;    [231]
    product of, presented by some people as truth 7BC 918
    pure, teach children to cultivate AH 415
    purity given to, as man works with Christ 6T 477
    reading storybooks ill affects FE 92-3
    reading that fevers 1T 241
    refined and sanctified, entreat God for CG 463
    sanctified, what to do to have 4aSG 148-9
    Satan fills, with false ideas re God SC 116
    Satan works upon people’s 5BC 1106
    seized and controlled by impure thoughts 2T 470
    sickly and diseased, warning re sympathizing with persons who have 2T 302
    skepticism captivates 8T 305
    speculation that may excite 2SM 13-4
    spiritualism brought, under control of demons 3T 418
    stimulating food and drink ill affect 3T 487
    strange tricks played by, on diseased mortals 2T 523
    stretch of, nature subjects which call for 4T 581
    strong, woman who possessed 3T 68
    strong assertions magnified by, to large dimensions 2SM 93
    tea seems to make, more vivid CG 403;MH 326;3T 487;