EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Intoxicating drink, Intoxicating drinks MH 330-46;Te 11-292;    [494]
       insane asylums and hospitals filled by MH 338;Te 24;
       license laws protect MH 342
       people who sustain, share in his guilt MH 342
       results of Te 28
7. Strong
    abstain wholly from CG 401;Te 186-7;
    appetite educated for 2SM 420
    appetite for, remedy for Te 119
    beer awakens taste for MH 332
    brain is benumbed by 2SM 420
    brain power is destroyed by Te 119
    cider awakens taste for MH 332;5T 356;
    cider drinking leads to use of 5T 356-7
    contributes much to increase of crime and disease SD 212;Te 59;
    craving(s) for, intemperate eating that produces 3T 487-8
       some people will be almost overcome again and again by MH 173
    desire for, flesh food excites Ev 265
       strengthens with use 4T 653
       total abstinence is needed to overcome Ev 264
    evils of, united and intelligent effort needed to reveal CW 123-4;Te 252;