EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Intoxicating drink, Intoxicating drinks MH 330-46;Te 11-292;    [494]
    God-given powers are beclouded by CW 123-4;Te 252;
    Godlike manhood sacrificed to, instance of 2T 268
    holidays encourage spending of money for FE 318
    John the Baptist was forbidden to use DA 100, 149;MH 333;3T 62;
    judges under influence of, injustice committed by MH 345-6
    jurors under influence of, injustice committed by MH 345-6
    lawmakers under influence of, oppressive laws enacted by MH 345-6
    lawyers under influence of, injustice committed by MH 345-6
    man who loves, described 3T 242
    Manoah’s wife was forbidden to use DA 149;MH 372;PP 560-1;
    many people regard, as only solace in trouble MH 172
    means are worse than wasted on Te 272
    members of legislative councils should not use Te 289
    millions of dollars spent for Te 30
    mind is beclouded by MH 345-6
    money spent for, should be used to make land productive FE 318
    Nazarite was under perpetual obligation not to use PP 562
    power that appetite for, has over men 5T 358;Te 96;
    pregnant woman should not use MH 373
    priests of Israel were expressly prohibited to use Te 268