EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Intoxicating drink, Intoxicating drinks MH 330-46;Te 11-292;    [494]
    refuse, when offered it by honored or wealthy men SD 174
    sense of right and wrong is confused by MH 345-6
    some wealthy people overcome by MH 210
    stimulus of, effects of 3T 242-3
    stomach of person addicted to CD 236, 340
    thirst for, rich and stimulating diet leads to Ed 203
       tobacco excites CG 404;MH 328;
    total abstinence from, true temperance calls for Te 196
    use of: God’s word forbids Te 42, 53-4, 92
       intemperance in eating prepares way for MH 334
       judges warned against Te 53
       lawmakers warned against Te 46-7
       rulers warned against Te 53
       warning against 5T 510
    user of, should not be received into church fellowship until he abandons it Ev 264
    victims of, city presents temptation to 7T 82
       wholly corrupted Ev 264
    what to do when offered Te 200
    wine awakens taste for MH 332;5T 356;
    witnesses under influence of, injustice committed by MH 345-6