EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Intoxicating drink, Intoxicating drinks MH 330-46;Te 11-292;    [494]
    tax burdens increased by Te 205
    terrible results of Te 28
       misery, shame, degradation, and death Te 231
       no one can blind himself to Te 28
       will be more terribly manifest in future MH 346
    terrible scourge to nation Te 43
    vice fostered by MH 345
    violence and crime of every description caused by CH 432
    votes that sanction, voters are accountable for Te 255
    workhouses crowded with paupers by Te 205
    youth’s morals imperiled by Te 205
9. User of
    abstainer can endure more labor in course of months and years than Te 159
    accountable for evils resulting from his wrong course of life 4T 31
    answer must be given by, for degradation of his wife and children Te 33
    are many Ev 566
    cannot be trusted with lives of others MH 331
    cannot have clear perception of right and wrong DA 222
    demon influences Te 36
    enfeebled intellect transmitted to children by 4T 30-1