EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
bear clear and decided testimony against
Te 69
bleared and besotted wrecks made by, are everywhere
SD 212
childhood is effected by use of
Te 205
Christ did not provide, at feast of Cana
DA 149
Christian should not drink
Te 65
church members using, many
Te 165
civilized people forced, upon heathen nations
MH 339
craving for, Satan fills men with
Te 12
why it seems hard to deny
3T 488
crimes committed under influence of, people should be punished for
4aSG 125
criminal’s guilt is not lessened by use of
4aSG 125
devil devised, to ruin men
Te 32
desire for, so strong that it eclipses all other desires
Te 38
unnatural excitants cultivate
CD 150
drunkard longs for, to arouse his flagging energies
3T 227
education of appetite for, is presumption
Te 61
erroneous idea that, helps laboring man to perform his task
CD 339
fight against, as great evil
Ev 265