EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Intoxicating drink, Intoxicating drinks MH 330-46;Te 11-292;    [494]
    shun and discard LS 353
    sick people should practice total abstinence from all MM 228
    sick people who will feel no need for Te 248
    slave(s) of: falsehoods and profanity uttered by 3T 568
       how people become Te 42
       parent who may see his child become CH 114
       slave to licentiousness and violence Te 36
       slave to Satan’s will Te 36
    stimulating foods and drinks prepare way for use of 3T 487-8
    stimulus of, adds fuel to fire of fever 5T 195
    taken on one plea or another, for some imaginary infirmity 4T 30
       to prevent disease 4T 30
    touch not, and let it alone Te 289
    touch not, taste not, handle not 3T 488, 561;Te 289;
    use of: indulgence that leads to Te 182-3
       is harmful indulgence 7T 58
       is increasing TM 457
       is intemperance Ev 266
       ministers warned against Te 45
       no argument needed to show evils of SD 212