EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
houses of, built with wages of unrighteousness
Te 27
upheld by violence and oppression
Te 27
human family is being destroyed by
Te 75
licenses granted to, on plea that they bring revenue to public treasury
MH 343
mighty destroyer of souls stands behind
MH 338
ministers who dare not say anything to offend
MH 340
money in tills of, needed to alleviate suffering humanity
Te 29
money needed for bread is put into till of
MH 189
money taken from the poor by, needed to feed and clothe their families
FE 312
names of, written in records of persons whose hands are full of blood
Te 40
Satan stands behind
Te 24
whose conscience is seared as with red-hot iron
Te 33
without excuse in judgment day
Te 41-2
burden of taxation brought to community by
MH 345