EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    transgressed God’s command by league with Canaanites PP 543-5
    king of Mesopotamia oppressed PP 545
    Othniel delivered, from oppressors PP 545
    king of Moab oppressed PP 545
    Ehud delivered, from oppressors PP 545
    Philistines oppressed PP 545
    Shamgar delivered, from oppressors PP 544-5
    Canaanites at Hazor led by Sisera against PP 545
    Deborah and Barak delivered, from oppressors PP 545
    Midianites oppressed PP 546
    Amalekites oppressed PP 545-6
       for seven years PP 546
    Gideon delivered, from Midianite oppression PP 546-55, 675
    led into apostasy by Gideon’s presumptuous act PP 556-7
    apostasy of, after Gideon’s death PP 556
    Abimelech as king of PP 556-7
    idolatry among, judges who followed Abimelech temporarily checked PP 557
    heathen foes pillaged and oppressed PP 557;5T 640;
       for 18 years PP 558
    Jephthah delivered, from Ammonite oppression PP 558