EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    returned to their evil ways to be oppressed by powerful enemies PP 558-9
    Samson as deliverer of, from Philistine oppression PP 560-8
    Eli as judge and high priest of PK 416;PP 569-85;4aSG 103-6;SR 184-7;
    bold in idolatry in Eli’s time PP 582
    Samuel as prophet in PP 569-74, 581-2, 589-90;4aSG 104;SR 185;
    Philistines conquered, and took ark of covenant from them PK 416;PP 583-4;4aSG 105-6;SR 185-7;
    chastised but not forsaken by God PP 585
    ark of covenant returned to, by Philistines PK 415-6;PP 586-90;4aSG 106-10;SR 187-91;
       in time of wheat harvest PP 588
    in subjection to Philistines 20 years PP 590-1;4aSG 110-1;SR 191;
    Samuel made judge of, at Mizpeh PP 591-2
    Samuel’s administration as judge over PP 591, 603-4;4aSG 65, 67;
    Philistines routed before, at Ebenezer PP 590-1, 616
    schools of prophets established in, by Samuel PP 592-602
    asked for king to rule over them PP 604-8;SC 38-9;4aSG 65-7;5T 640-1;6T 249;
    first king of, Saul chosen as PP 608-11, 617;4aSG 67-8;
    assembly of, convened at Mizpeh by Samuel PP 611
    Saul officially chosen as king of, by lot PP 611-2, 617
    King Saul’s rule over PP 611-82;4aSG 67-85;
    Jabesh-gilead delivered from Ammonite oppression by PP 612-3, 616