EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    national assembly of, convoked at Gilgal by Samuel PP 613, 616
    Saul publicly confirmed as king by PP 613-5
    thunder and rain witnessed by, in time of wheat harvest PP 615;4aSG 68;
       in May or June PP 615
    Philistines oppressed PP 616
    Geba taken from Philistines by PP 616
       in second year of Saul’s reign PP 616
    Philistines prepared for war against PP 616-7;4aSG 68;
    men of war of, summoned to Gilgal by King Saul PP 617
    faith of, tested at Gilgal PP 617-22, 625, 627;4aSG 68-70;
    Philistine garrison routed by, at Michmash PP 622-6, 628;4aSG 70-2;
    war waged by, against Moab, Ammon, Edom, Amalekites, and Philistines PP 628-9
    Amalekites slaughtered by PP 627-9;4aSG 72-5;
    Saul rejected as king of, by God PP 629-36;4aSG 73-7;
    David divinely chosen as king of, instead of Saul PP 637-42;4aSG 77-8;
    Philistines renewed war against 4aSG 79
    Philistines routed by, after David slew Goliath PP 643-8;4aSG 79-82;
    David as fugitive in and out of, from King Saul PP 649-74, 690-6;4aSG 82-3;
    Samuel’s death mourned by PP 663
    Philistines mobilized for war against PP 674-5;4aSG 83;