EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    offerings required of, at special convocations 2T 573-4
    one fourth of income of, to be used for religious and charitable purposes PP 527
    only a remnant of, chose to return from Babylon with Zerubbabel PK 568
    only nation favored with knowledge of true God CH 455;5T 196;
    opposition of, to warnings of prophets 4BC 1156
    oracles of God were committed to COL 287
    oracles of heaven were committed to AA 14
    order and prosperity of, depended on good order of church 3T 294
    order observed by, in marches and in camping SR 157
    order of march of, in journeyings PP 375-6;1T 651;
    order required in 2T 611
    outside world and, God erected no wall of partition between PP 368
    people of, Paul’s burden for salvation of AA 374-5
    period of added probation given to COL 218
    perversity of, provoked Moses to sin PP 470
    Philistines used by God to punish PP 585
    pomp and display of heathen kings attracted PP 603
    poor people among: given right to certain portions of produce of soil PP 531
       seventh year was year of release from debt for PP 532-3
       special provision made every seventh year for PP 531