EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
Israelite, Israelites
interpreted prophecy in accordance with their selfish desires
DA 30
irritated by contact with Roman soldiery
MB 69
jealous lest God should show mercy to Gentiles
DA 29
labors of apostles for, during festivals in Jerusalem
AA 165, 514
labors of Paul and Barnabas for
AA 174-5
large colonies of, in nearly all cities of world in apostolic times
AA 155
later prophets misinterpreted by
DA 193
leaders of: bribed Roman authorities not to investigate Stephen’s death
AA 101
ignorance of, was result of sinful neglect
GC 313
lacked justice, mercy, and love of God
COL 297
looked with pride on temple and its imposing rites
COL 297
nation’s sin and ruin were due to
COL 305
parable of two sons sent to work in vineyard applies to
COL 272-83
persistent rejection of light by, after putting Christ to death
AA 61-2
responsible for nation’s rejection of Christ
COL 305
slew Christ because He reproved their sins
GC 27