EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israelite, Israelites   [475]
    salvation offered first to, by Christ AA 247
    Samaritans and, great difference in religious belief between COL 380-1
    Samaritans were not regarded by, as their neighbor DA 498
    satisfied with legal religion AA 15
    scattered to almost every: nation in apostolic times GC 35;SR 242;
       part of world AA 39;DA 33;
    sealed their rejection of Christ by crucifying Him DA 165
    self-deceived in rejecting Christ 4T 230
    self-righteousness of, could never enter kingdom of heaven DA 309
    self-seeking among DA 409
    serving as publican, was classed with vilest of society DA 272
       was despised as apostate DA 272
    seventy weeks specially allotted to, ended in A.D. 34 DA 233;GC 327-8;PK 699;
    should have been first to recognize Christ as Promised One AA 374
    shut themselves away from world to escape temptation AA 14;DA 29;
    sign required by COL 35;DA 164-5, 404-9;FE 333;
    sin added to sin by, after Christ’s resurrection EW 208
    sought: deliverance from Romans instead of redemption from sin DA 30
       new light to sustain their actions against Christ 3T 448
       to make monopoly of truth for themselves DA 36