EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israelite, Israelites   [475]
    desired no new element in their religion AA 15
    destroyed one another in their blind rage PK 712-3
    devils’ efforts to turn, against Christ EW 160-1
    devotion of, to world and their forgetfulness of God GC 378
    did not prize characteristics of patience and gentleness under wrong MB 14
    dispersed widely in all civilized lands in Paul’s time AA 281
    door of mercy closed by, in rejecting Christ GC 430;1SM 63;
    endless dispute among, question “Who is my neighbor?” caused DA 498
    envy and jealousy made, implacable against Christ COL 295;PK 712;
    erroneous concept held by, re Messiah’s work DA 56
    exacting in regard to ceremonial purity MB 24
    exalted forms and ceremonies and lost sight of their object COL 34
    exasperated by intimation that Gentiles were to be admitted to equal privileges with themselves COL 400
    exclusiveness of, toward Gentiles SR 303-4
    expected Messiah to: break oppressor’s power DA 30
       break oppressor’s yoke PP 608
       bring all nations under His supremacy MB 2
       come as conqueror DA 30
       come as temporal prince GC 345
       come in earthly grandeur 5T 253