EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    plead with God in earnest faith as did 4T 402
    prayer of, at Bethel was granted by God PP 204
    qualities of, highly valued by mother PP 177
    Rebekah repented of counsel given to PP 180;SR 89;
    review of his life history by Ed 147
    Sabbath kept by GC 453
    Satan accused, before angels GC 618
    sense in which Christ deals with His people as, did with his children 1T 388
    sins of, repeated in his sons PP 238
    sinful life of, influenced children Ed 147;PP 208-9, 238;
    sister-wives of, jealousy and rivalry between PP 190;3SG 117;
    sons of: blessed by him before his death Ed 53;PP 235-7;3SG 170-3;
       changed in character while Joseph was in Egypt PP 225
       character of PP 225
       deceived him after selling Joseph PP 212
       Joseph and other PP 209-12, 224-40;3SG 138-80;
       made humiliating confession to him 3SG 168
       not all righteous 3SG 136
       reformed 3SG 170